I'm Reut, a mother of two boys, a naturopath and yoga teacher.
When I was in my early 20's I was diagnosed with PCOS, I had acne and my period was irregular. I was told to go back on the pill and to expect fertility issues. I knew there's another way and started looking for alternative ways to healing. I was introduced to Naturopathy and decided to embark on a Naturopathy Diploma. Through my studies, I changed my diet and together with herbal medicine, I healed my PCOS completely and conceived naturally.
My goal as a Naturopath is for every woman to take control of her health, become informed and familiar with their bodies. This way, we're empowered and motivated to create change and ultimately choose in ourselves, our wellness and our happiness in life. I believe in an approach that addresses the root cause (and not just treat symptoms), that treats the body as a whole unit, that makes you feel connected and strong in your body and your cycle. And lastly, one that nourishes you with whole foods and habits that create the lifestyle you aspire to.​
When I was pregnant with my eldest son, I became increasingly interested in pregnancy and postpartum health. I noticed there's little information on how to best nourish and take care of your health while pregnant, and rather an emphasis on what not to do or not to eat. While these are important, it doesn't empower women to strive for a healthy pregnancy which will also impact their postpartum and motherhood. And so I embarked on a Pregnancy and Postpartum Nutrition course and it became my passion to support mothers through their most transformative time, their matrescence.
I experienced first hand the implications of a hormonal imbalance, pregnancy and postpartum. I know the challenges, the ebbs and flows of motherhood and the overwhelm and joy of it all. I am here to support you on your journey, I will meet you where you are and we'll work together to create the best plan for you moving forward.